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How is the market of fiber laser cutting machine in 2022

In the past two years, the growth momentum of the laser cutting industry has been on the rise, and it has also become a powerful booster in the development of the manufacturing industry. However, with the acceleration of the transformation and upgrading of various industries, many laser cutting companies have followed the trend; as of now, there are more than 1,000 laser cutting companies nationwide, and this data is still increasing; the fierce competition in the industry can be seen from this. But we can also see from the side that the industry segmentation of this industry is quite complete.

In the early years, most of the laser cutting machine market was monopolized by foreign capital. Later, with the advancement of domestic fiber laser technology, we have our own dominance and pricing power. From the previous near-zero market share to more than 95%, as of today, the low-end market has become saturated; however, we still have insufficient power and innovation in the high-end market. In fact, this is reflected in various industries. Due to the low threshold of the industry and the accelerated progress of localization, more and more problems are exposed.

Vicious competition and price scuffles abound in the industry. Many companies sacrifice product quality in order to seize the market. Such a vicious circle leads to market chaos, and bad money drives out good money from time to time. For this reason, many companies have also begun to try new ideas. In the face of the increasingly saturated medium and low power cutting market, many companies have begun to do 10,000-watt laser cutting market, and the price of this equipment has just entered the market is more than 2 million, but with the The wide application of 10,000-watt lasers has fallen below one million in less than a year.

Although there are market explorations from the inside out, there is no core competitiveness, and the risk of being imitated is great. If laser cutting companies want to break the game, I think the following points can be considered:

1. Price advantage. Possess strong financial strength, master pricing power, and mainly focus on low-end and medium-end markets to implement small profits but quick turnover.

2. Small and refined. Mainly do a certain segment, increase the added value of products, and then increase the source of profit. The technical requirements are still relatively high.

3. Resource integration. Carry out in-depth cooperation with upstream and downstream industries, extend from a single product to a product line, broaden product application scenarios, and improve market competitiveness.

In the face of the current market development trend, the way of fighting alone and vicious competition is gradually being eliminated. Any industry or market has put forward higher requirements for related companies, and we need to continue to optimize and improve.